Dear Family:
Monday I was
transferring so I got up and moved out my stuff first thing. It took 2 cars. I need to get rid of some stuff. I should specify 2 mission cars, so you can't
fit much. Normal P Day after that. Got to play some guitar with Elders Feist and
Larsen. We were supposed to go there
today and write a song, but my comp messed up that plan!
Tuesday we had
DDM. The first day in the new area was
not fun. I did not have the best
attitude about the mid-transfer. Don't
worry. I repented later in the story and
came to terms with it. My new companion
is Elder Robins. I didn't really know
what to do. That was really his whole
week. He doesn't seem like he knows the
area at all. The problem is he has been
here 3 months!
Wednesday Brother
Mike (my old Ward Mission Leader) took us (me and Elders Robins, Larson, Feist,
Penell) to this awesome place called "Cowgirl Cafe". It was so good! It is a breakfast place and the portions are
huge! Brother Mike wanted to take us
there before I left so Luckily I didn't leave the stake. By the Way I wasn't with Elder Robins, I was
on exchanges with Elder Pawleti. He is
one of the Spanish Speaking Missionaries.
We had a good day. We were in
his area. All of the lessons but one
were in Spanish. The one lesson was with
a guy who's name I can't remember. He is
a recent convert and going through a super hard time. The Spirit was really strong to the point
where we were teaching way beyond our own experience. I just mostly set back and waited to see what
else came out of my mouth from the spirit.
I pulled my pen out and took notes about 2 or 3 things. It wasn't on what I was telling about, but on
something I needed to learn about teaching people. So I was learning a few things! Hopefully he was too.
Thursday morning we
had splits. We had dinner with a Part
Member Family in the ward. The only
reason he hasn't gotten baptized is cuz of his drinking problem. He has to quit now cuz of his health. Hopefully he wants to get baptized.
Friday I was on
exchanges again in some other Missionary's area. On a bike....... Good day though.
Saturday was a
normal day. Just us trying to visit a
ton of people.
Sunday we had like 7
hours of church. We are over a family
ward and the Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward.
We had a lesson with a YSA investigator.
Only reason she isn't baptized is because her mom is an atheist. Well that's it for now, I need to send this
letter or you won't get it this week.
Love Ya! Elder Wood